8 Pagan Blogs

Here are a few larger Pagan Blogs that I wanted to share for those looking to connect and start reading something new!  Many of these are conglomerates sites where many Pagan bloggers all share their work together. 

Naturalistic Paganism

This site is dedicated to amplifying the voices of and providing an online home for Naturalistic and Humanistic Pagans who seek to integrate ritual and meditative practices with a mythic worldview based on the most current and compelling scientific evidence.

3 Pagans and Cat

A family bringing their diversity to the web and sharing their different traditions magick, mythical and mundane. You can also find them on Patheos .

Witches and Pagans

Magazines, blogs, community, and so much more.  This is a very large site coving a vast array of topics and information. 

The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt is an independent news agency, focused only on the Pagan, Heathen, Witchcraft and polytheist community.

Our Mission

It is the mission of The Wild Hunt to serve our global readership daily with news and commentary, originating from within Pagan, Heathen, and polytheist communities or of interest or affecting them

Quoted from their site

The Penniless Pagan

“Worshipping nature shouldn’t cost you a dime, and I intend to show you exactly how to do that with a practical approach to rituals, sabbats, herbal medicine, and natural living.”

Quoted from their site

Pagan Pages

PaganPagesOrg began as an idea for a newsletter in an old Yahoo group . The idea was for a newsletter to be distributed on the first of every month. Our many creative members were taking on topics of interest to them for their monthly columns. As time went on and the newsletter grew, we decided to open it up to other yahoo groups & then other pagans on the web. Many were interested and signed on. Our little newsletter grew to such a size that we could no longer consider it a newsletter anymore. Our eMagazine was born.

Quoted from their site

Norse Pagans

Blogs all about Norse Mythology, Articles, interview myths, and religion by Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried

Moon Root

“A home-loving Cancerian witch trying to live lightly on the earth in wild West Wales. Sowing seeds, weaving words, teaching, learning, loving the land. My metaphorical glass is usually half-full.”

Quoted from their site

Do you know of another large blog site? Share the link below!

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  1. Hi, My site fits your requirements for a pagan blogsite if you are interested in adding it. If so, I would be most grateful.

    • The Peacock Pages

      I would love for you to make a listing and share your blog

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