9 Pagan Blogs to Follow as we start 2020

I’ve been doing a lot of networking and reaching out.  As I do, I find the sad fact of the matter that a lot of bloggers just one day stop for whatever reason and someone you followed is no longer available or stopped posting.  Often the lists of recommend blogs lead to dead links.  I also have come across some awesome bloggers that I actually follow and enjoy.  Here are the 9 blogs I would recommend for the beginning of 2020! And I didn’t start out trying to reach 9 some things just magickally come together like that around here 😊

Witches and Pagans is a great collective of many Pagan bloggers and there is something for everyone.  They also have magazines and other publications they support and are a collective of great wisdom. 

Thehoodwitch.com is a great wealth of astrology and magick.  It is also a very clean to read site which makes the whole experience more pleasant.  There is something for every level of witch, from those looking to learn to those in need of some magick.

The Goodwitcheshomestead.com is a very welcoming and friendly people.  You can easily reach them through their fb page or their email.  They provide a plethora of information and have an abundant amount of knowledge to share on herbs, stones, and around a witch’s house tips and tricks. 

Ora North is an open and honest blogger who shares her beautiful and not so perfect life and experiences.  She is an advocate for mental health and shares her experience as an empath with bipolar.  It is definitely pg-13 is not for grownups because of honest sharing about grown-up experience and language.

Patheos over the last few years has received some flack in the Pagan community for being owned by a conglomerate Christian company.  Now yes this did alter the advertising emails you get from them along side the blog notifications, but I still enjoy several of the authors, who I do not see as Christianized Pagans but just as bloggers who continued to want to share their words.  I few I routinely read are the Dandelionlady.  She has great family content and fun articles to read.  She writes about the holidays and being a Pagan parent, which makes her really relatable.   

I also routinely read articles for Keeping Her Keys.  She follows the Crone Goddess and shares a different perspective.  Plus I love the Serpent Crone Goddess no matter her name 😊

I also follow humanisticpaganism.com.  This is a different perspective on Paganism in general, one that follows a more universal energy, and naturalistic.  There are many articles that really make you think and challenge your understanding.  I love the factualness of it and as they grow there are more bloggers including family stuff. 

Another big one I follow is the The Wild Hunt they are worldwide and offer a global perspective and stories from all over. They take a reportive approach and I get a lot of the Pagan headlines from them. 

Last if you are looking for an eminence amount of information and a great community hesperidesgarden.org is a great online community.  There is a so much information on their site and they post spells, rituals, and meditations for the Full and Dark Moon.  They are also super active on social media and receptive and responsive to questions.  They also have a lot of stuff for families and partner with us on our Shop Pagan fb group.  Plus have a magazine, downloads, and classes.

So there it is the 9 blogs I actually follow. If you have a great blog you follow and love please share them in the comments!

Happy Reading!

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