I have recently found so many great people from Canada! I am really enjoying meeting these great people and sharing all they do. This next business owner comes from Ontario and has a beautiful store but has recently branched out online adapting to the changing times. I am excited to introduce Suzanne owner of Natures Spirit New Age Crystal Shop.
As always here is where you can find her
First and foremost, her physical store is located at
218 Main St E, Milton, ON L9T 1N8

They are practicing social distancing and proper safety procedures, limiting the number of customers and providing sanitizing options at the door. If you have any questions you can contact the store at (289) 878 7817 or by Email beyondthemist13@gmail.com.
You can find them online at NaturesSpirit.ca
On Facebook
And Instagram
Now let’s get to the good stuff…
In a few sentences describe your business.
We are an independent shop that has evolved from a trip to Ireland where two friends discovered their Pagan roots. After our trip, the creative juices flowed, and the first few years were spent in tents at festivals with our handmade wares. Eventually we put it out to the universe our desire to have a brick and mortar shop on Main Street Milton. Our shop is a labour of love! We wanted a place where people can find tools to use in their spiritual practice and feel comfortable asking questions. We also benefit by learning from our customers. We are proud to be Canadian and support local artists. We also have our ‘spiritual hub’ business card table for outsourcing like-minded practitioners.
Do you work alone?
Introduce your team
Bev O’Reilly is my friend and business partner. We started Nature’s Spirit together and recently we have added Susan Webber who came to us as a local artist. She has her own business called Spiritual Imprints creating jewelry, art, and spiritual tools that she sells online and in our shop.

How long have you been working at this?
The idea started on our trip to Ireland in 2013.
What is your Mission Statement?
Helping others on their path.
What is your favorite part about what you do?
We all enjoy the interaction with customers. I love coming to work in a calm environment. I personally do most of the stock ordering and hunting down new products. I really enjoy the behind the scenes stuff, like finding new ways to display our unique products, or tracking down the hard to find stuff.
Bev loves crystals and as our main buyer (we hand pick our crystals from local suppliers), she likes the find and then gets excited to show our customers all the new crystals.
Why did you start this professional Journey?
Bev and I had a hard time finding tools for our craft, so we decided to open our own shop.
What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?
I am sure our competitors are offering much the same things as we do, however I do find that people come to us for the vibe! We have been told that our shop has a nice vibe – we strive to keep our integrity.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
I don’t think you can handle a herd of cats – open a can of tuna??? I would probably just sit down and pet which ever ones want petting.
Tell us more about your business?
Our main line is crystals. We have customers from all walks of life (all faiths) and therefore carry a variety of items from Buddhas to Pentacles. Pagan items are why we started, so we are always looking for more. So we have incense, herbs, resins, tarot/oracle decks, candles, singing bowls, wall hangings, books, salt lamps, jewelry and much more. When allowed we had workshops, guest mediums/tarot readers and meditation groups. Our shop is small so everything we do is intimate.
Who has been an inspiration to you along this path?
Bev and Susan inspire me daily. Other small business owners who I have seen over the years growing as we have.
What superpower would you like to have? and why
Dreams often have me flying, I think that would be an awesome power, to fly like a bird. Very peaceful and serene.
When you are not working what do you do?
Relax when I can, play with my 3 cats and take a walk outside whenever possible. Nature’s Spirit literally is my life – working or not.
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?
We honour (ancestors) our landlord’s grandmother who was a strong business woman that had her office in our building. Her picture hangs in the shop and we thank her for watching over us. I openly talk about my path.