I met Jennifer the first time at the Denver Witches Ball and I have enjoyed following her blog and learning from her for many years. She has a plethora of knowledge and experience to share and is such a great asset to the community. So, I would love to share this wonderful lady Jennifer with Mother with all of you! I can’t keep her all to myself!
Jennifer Lawson (BS, IAC, CGFI, CSFS) is a Senior Wellness Specialist, alternative healer and aromatherapist working out of Arvada Co and as always here are all the links to find her!

On Facebook
On Youtube
and on Pinterest
Now let’s get to the good stuff…
In a few sentences describe your business.
Unique group fitness classes with both seated and standing versions. One of a kind, handmade products for hygiene, skin care, aromatherapy and pet care. Wellness education for groups that include herbal remedies and personal wellness.
Tell us more about your business and your qualifications.
Mother Jai’s was named because I am a mother of three (and now grandmother) and in high school there were so many Jennifer’s in my graduating class that my friends named me Jai.
I began teaching classes in low income communities for free to help introduce them to natural products and personal wellness. I focus mostly on elderly individuals due to the fact they are less capable, are often left alone or pushed aside, and rarely have any money.
I have the following certification: BS – in Integrative Therapies from MSU Denver
IAC – Integrative Aromatherapy Certification from the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy in Boulder, CO
CGFI – American Council on Exercise (ACE) certified Group Fitness Instructor
CSFS – (completed very soon) Senior Fitness Specialist Certification from ACE
not to mention over 600 hours of continuing education in both fitness and aromatherapy
How long have you been working at this?
8 years
What is your Mission Statement?
To provide quality wellness products and fitness services to individuals who are less capable.
What is your favorite part about what you do?
Helping people feel better physically and emotionally with natural therapies.
I love mixing herbs and oils thinking about how the individual will benefit from my knowledge and experience.
Why did you start this professional Journey?
I myself was an overweight type II diabetic and smoker. I was once a meth addict and that caused various health issues. I decided to make a change when my health hit a low point and I couldn’t carry my own baby up a flight of stairs. I changed my lifestyle and quit smoking to continue living for myself and my family. I had to learn new ways of thinking about food and work fitness into my daily routine. I learned about natural ways to heal and nourish the body and taught myself meditation techniques, yoga and tai chi to practice at home.
What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?

I can offer my elderly and incapable customers a unique product and class that very few have experienced before. Everything is handmade and created by me for Mother Jai. I strive to create preservative and artificial ingredient free products. I work to ensure my fitness classes are a energizing and complete full body workout.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
Give them something to play with to distract them or get their attention with treats.
Who has been an inspiration to you along this path?
That what I do does actually help people and they remember that.
What superpower would you like to have? and why
I would love to have the power to be able to show people the old knowledge of the natural ways so they would understand and accept the benefits instead of scoff at and avoid them. We would all be much better off with fewer man-made chemicals in our bodies.
We would also all be much healthier if we were active for at least an hour every day.
When you are not working what do you do?
Spend time with my husband, daughters and granddaughters. We fish, swim, hike, camp and hunt. We love being in the mountains with fresh air and wildlife. We love playing video games together as a family, that is our game night instead of board games. I like to read scifi novels and watch monster movies. I love spending time caring for our pets – cats, bearded dragon, fish, guinea pigs and rats.
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?
Every day I talk about the natural way of living. To me this means understanding that the Earth is our source, without her or her nourishment we would not survive. I always talk about Nature’s design in plants and their whole-nutrient benefits. I believe the Universal energy, ‘Spirit’ or ‘Source’ is what keeps us all – plant and animal – connected and beneficial to one another. The energy of life is what we try to nourish with natural remedies, fitness, and personal wellness.