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past life reading

Past Life intuitive reading services


Past life intuitive readings

Hello Brightest blessings

I'm Norma with Forevrgoddess intuitive services. And the owner of Forevrgoddess boutique. I wanted to offer this unique reading Past Life Reading. Lets look into your past life and find any hidden dreams or memory of your past life .
We can explore in detail a moment in time of your past life .that may lead to some clues, to what may need to repair in present life and bring attention if there are any unresolved issues , life lessons to learn, or hint what pattern need to changed to bring about more balanced life.
I'm excited to help you find your life history. So please lets set up an appointment.

Part of past life reading i work with my spirit guides, Goddess and angels to connect for you of your past life experiences we've discussed in details. To confirm and offer more info.

Then i include tarot reading for even more informative . This is in-depth 8 card reading plus 1 free card for meditation. To ties in all the cards or offer more insight.

We schedule over the phone appointment or and offline reading

I can also offer past life Regression phone appointment s

Phone appointment are set for certain days and times and with 24 to 48 hours i will email reading notes

offline reading. Once booked I will work on you reading my alone time And i will email reading to you with a 24 to do 48 hrs .

Please provide with email, phone number, or private message so i may soul connect with you and see to see ,what you've seen and experience in deja vu moments or past life dream

Thank you may the goddess bring you love and light. Hugs
Asking for a donation of $25.00
Private message with more question or form of payment i accept
Thank you

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Paris, ID 83261, USA

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Norma Clark

Member since 5 years ago
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