Hi and welcome to the interview corner! Today I have an amazing artist and leather worker who makes some amazing pieces! Michelle has traveled the world and now brings her talents to all through her art and creations. Without further adieu here are all the places you can find her work.
Now lets get to the good stuff…
In a few sentences describe your business?

There is something special and almost mystical about taking old school construction techniques to create something lasting and beautiful out of all natural materials. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing a piece come to life and then brighten someone else’s life.
Do you work alone?
What is your favorite part about what you do?
That “It’s alive” moment with each creation.
What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?
I control the entire creation process and bring just about anything to life.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
Bribes of cat treats and catnip.
When you are not working what do you do?
Relax with my menagerie.
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?
As a Thor’s woman, there is something deeply spiritual about bringing things to life with my hammer, mallet, and maul. I use alot of pagan iconography and much of my art comes to me during trance work.