As the Worm Moon arrives, we say goodbye to winter and welcome the new beginnings of spring!
This is a great time to start learning about something new and we have quite a few teachers and mentors on the Peacock Pages who would love to help you!
Here are some of the mentors, teachers, and spiritual leaders dedicated to helping you learn, explore and grow!

Pagan Kids – A Norse Pagan Resource for Families | A Pagan Directory
Pagan Kids is an online resource that helps introduce children to Norse history, lifestyle, folklore and mythology. It offers easy to understand, educational and fun content that is lacking in today’
Misfit Mystics Certified Spiritual Life Coach | A Pagan Directory
Spiritual mentorship is a valuable service for all who seek growth and progress on their path of choice. Spirituality is an, often overlooked, important aspect of wellbeing. Those of us with a…

Sarah’s Soul Studio | A Pagan Directory
Every person connected with their nature and spirituality. My goal here at The Soul Studio is simple; to help heal broken souls and spirits through moving closer to nature, creative endeavours…

Universal Pagan Temple | A Pagan Directory
Universal Pagan Temple is an online temple that has a YouTube channel. We have over 300 educational videos on YouTube, from Wicca, Paganism, to Witchcraft. We also have ritual videos and spell videos.

WitchPath Forward | A Pagan Directory
WitchPathForward is a website for both beginners and experienced practitioners of Witchcraft and other Pagan paths. Open since 2012, we have answered hundreds of questions and published many articles…

Inner goddess of love session and reading | A Pagan Directory
Inner Goddess of Love , intuitive reading and Goddess empowerment sessions As women as begin our life as child a grow in teens as our cycle of life begin and we continue to grow in womanhood.

Learn to work with magickal and medicinal herbs | A Pagan Directory
Apothecary At Home is a new, witchy-woman-owned startup that we think you will like – especially if you’ve been wanting to learn more about herbalism
Pagan Humanist Abbey | A Pagan Directory
Incorporated religious organization in Canada, offering guidance, services, and teachings in traditional knowledge. One on one or groups. Accepting on site and guest apprenticeships applications for…

Mentoring and Spiritual Guidance | A Pagan Directory
The Pagan Path can be vast and overwhelming when you make your first steps down this path. We have grand ideas of spiritual enlightenment and reaching higher levels of consciousness…

Occult Master Class | A Pagan Directory
Online teaching platform where occult topics are available on demand and live classes as well. Go to https://www.crowdcast.io/

Tulsa Tarot | A Pagan Directory
Nearly every Saturday a year, depending on holidays, the Tulsa tarot group meets at a restaurant to eat, hear a short (approx. 5 minute) lecture on a specific card of the tarot, then there is a…