Hey all you awesome people! Welcome back to the interview corner! Today I have a talented spiritual leader from Doncaster Uk to share with you! Ms Evie Lochrie
First and foremost, here is Evie’s contact info
Now let’s get to the good stuff…
In a few sentences describe your business?
This is a Spiritual page. I am a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher. I offer readings, I run workshops in Spirituality and run an Open circle on a fortnightly basis. This page is for booking for readings, email readings. Buy things that I make. I am also known to run a few ghost hunting evenings.
Do you work alone?
Do you work online, in real life, or both?
I do both

What is your Mission Statement?
Bringing the two worlds together
What is your favorite part about what you do?
Helping and healing others
Why did you start this professional Journey?
I’ve been an avid ghost hunter for over 20 years. I brought Soul Cavern to life 4 years ago
What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?
Truth. I say it like it is.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
I think the cats would probably handle me.
Tell us more about your business?
This a place for Lotions and Potions and my own Hand Made Crafts. I also provide these Services. Spiritual Readings, I use Angel cards, Tarot cards, Scrying cards and Will bring through any Spiritual communication. I also offer Reiki Treatments as I am Attuned to many differing forms of Reiki, I also offer Distance Healing. I also offer Teaching workshop evenings (Spiritual Development) and a Learn Tarot for yourself..
What superpower would you like to have? and why
I want to be a fairy who has magical fairy dust and I would sprinkle that magic everywhere.
When you are not working what do you do?
Relax with the family and with my animals.
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?
I make pagan crafts, I teach scrying with many of the different tools that can be used. I make lotions and potions with herbs. Being Pagan is who I am and it comes through in everything I do.