Welcome back to the interview corner of the internet! Today I am excited to introduce a fantastic and motivated author. She has a growing list of books available and is a great resource for Druid and herbal knowledge. So, let’s get to know Ellen Evert Hopman, author, herbalist and Druid!
Just as usual let’s get the links and contact information first. Here is where you can find her works and contact
On Pinterest
- Herb Books
- Celtic Spirituality
- Druidism
- Trees Lore Herbal-uses and Magic
- Celtic and Druid Novels by Ellen Evert Hopman
- Scottish Fairy Lore
- Walking the World in Wonder a Children’s Herbal
You can work with her online and in person in the New England, USA, area.
Now let’s get to the good stuff…
In a few sentences describe your business?
I am an author. That’s my full-time job. I also teach herb classes in person and Druid initiates online.
Do you work alone?
As an author I work with publishers and illustrators. As an herbalist I teach classes locally and at festivals. As a Druid I teach with other members of my Order; Tribe of the Oak.
What is your Mission Statement?
The Tribe of the Oak is a Celtic Reconstructionist Druid Grove that seeks to preserve and pass on the traditional ways of the ancient Celts.
This group is by application only, please request to join the Grove only if you are seriously seeking to be a member and are prepared to study towards Druidic initiation.
We are an on-line study group with members across the globe. We occasionally meet in person for Grove meetings and seasonal rites, mostly in Western Massachusetts. The Archdruid for the Grove is Ellen Evert Hopman, author and Druid Priestess, who lives in a New England oak forest. Our Vice Archdruid is Gitta Seyfert who is a “Tree hugger, Southern Hemisphere Druid, Flame tender, Mother, Plogger, Knitter & Hooker and Veg Head” and lives in South Africa. Our Chief Bard is Lexie Marie, Wild Mountain Poet, Mother, Spinner and Weaver, lives in the Mountains of Montana.
We are the “People of the Oak”. Oak trees are sacred to all cultures across the European continent and sacred to all cultures that these magnificent trees dwell in.
We have gathered together here to help connect our thoughts and our ideas on what the ancestors may have believed and how they may have worshiped. We discuss the books we are reading and share resources, rites, and the ideas and inspirations of our collective Grove energy.
We are a Celtic Reconstructionist Druid Order which means we base our study and practice on ancient Celtic traditions and readings. The work starts with an extensive reading list and then progresses to one-on-one study with your foster. Most people take about three years to finish. There are hands-on, non-literary tasks, tools to make, and seasonal projects in addition to the basic reading.
Our training materials are very Irish based, using 7th century writings. Once the work is done there is initiation, and then a major focus is chosen which the initiate pledges to master and teach for the rest of their life.
What is your favorite part about what you do?
I have been a Druid since 1984. In my books I have sought to pass down the old ways, to keep them alive. I was one of the original members of ADF, went on to co-found The Henge of Keltria in 1986 and was Vice President there for 9 years. Then I started the White Oak mailing list ( the largest White Oak on the east coast was 20 minutes from my house though I didn’t know it at the time. The trees gave me the name). Then I co-founded The Order of White Oak and was co-Chief there for five years. I have been Archdruid at Tribe of the Oak since 2014. I have always felt the wings of the Gods at my back, guiding me to do this work.
Why did you start this professional Journey?
I had no choice. I was claimed by the Goddess Brighid back in 1984 and she has been my guide and inspiration ever since.
What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?
My books are usually in the top 100 best sellers in Celtic and Druid categories on Amazon. My herbal “Secret Medicines from Your Garden” won two awards; THE INTERNATIONAL HERB ASSOCIATION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2016 and THE COALITION OF VISIONARY RESOURCES AWARD, also in 2016. All my herbals are based on thorough research and experience; with plenty of foot notes and cautions and detailed instructions for dosages and preparation methods as well as magick.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
I have two very well behaved cats; a calico and a long haired ginger tabby. They are both excellent mousers and earn their keep. We get along together very well.
Tell us more about your business?
Anyone who is interested in Celtic studies and Druidism should feel free to contact us at www.tribeoftheoak.com . Those who would like a signed author copy of a book (makes a great gift!) along with a personal note should visit my store www.elleneverthopman.com If the book is a present for someone please be sure to include a note as to who you want the book signed to!
What superpower would you like to have? and why
I have always wanted at least six arms. It would also be great to not have to sleep more than three hours a night. There is so much to do and so little time!
When you are not working what do you do?
I spend time in nature almost every day.
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?
All my books include the Druid path; novels, herbals and children’s books.
Pingback: A Druid’s Web Log – February 2020 Honoring the Goddess Brigid in an ominously warm spring – Ellen Evert Hopman