Hello and welcome back to the interview corner. Today we get to know a man who makes art, magick and more!  Introducing Mike Sexton is a graphic designer by day and an all-around busy crafty man in all the rest of his spare time.
First here is where you can find him around the web.
FaceBook        Spreesy       Etsy      @MWSStudio
Now let’s get to the good stuff… In a few sentences describe your business?  Â
My business sells my original artwork as well as clothing & gifts in addition to plushies and my Wiccan books I’ve written. I also sell customized subscription boxes for Wiccans & Pagans. I take on commissioned work when I can so feel free to drop me a line or check out my stores and galleries.

Get this painting HERE
What is your Mission Statement? Â Â Â Â Â Â
To help fill homes & businesses with beautiful artwork I make as well as help people learn more about Wicca and their own path.
What is your favorite part about what you do? Â
Getting to see what I have envisioned, come to life.
Why did you start this professional Journey? Â Â Â
To express my creative soul and help others.
What can you offer costumers that your competitors can’t? Â Â Â Â Â Â
The work I provide is top notch. I run my business the same way I’d want to see a business run if I were the customer. I do my utmost to listen to my customers and provide them the best products and artwork that I can so they feel they’ve gotten their money’s worth.
How would you handle a herd of cats?
I’d try to lure them with fresh fish 😉
Tell us more about your business?
I began my business in 2005. I started as an artistic painter and graphic designer. Since then, I’ve grown my business to include custom made plushies I sew by hand and also many crafts including small statues and objects. In the last 3 years, I’ve also begun incorporating more of my Wiccan spirituality into my work by not only creating clothing & gifts for pagans but also starting subscription services for pagans.
What superpower would you like to have? and why      Â
I’d love to be able to fly; that way I can get away from it all once and awhile.
When you are not working what do you do? Â Â Â Â Â
(no reply lol because he is so busy crafting I assume J )
How do you include your Pagan faith in your work? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
I have used my pagan beliefs to create original creations that I make just for myself but also I’ve expanded that to making small deity figurines for clients as well as poppets that I hand sew and if the client wants, I’ll add herbs to the poppets and bless it correctly for the purpose at hand. I’ve also begun a subscription box service where each month I ship out specific packages to subscribers. In the months that have Sabbats, I include Sabbat specific items and rituals the person can use hands on and during the other months I’ll choose a particular topic to base the boxes around. In addition to that, I know how important incense is to many pagans, so I’ve started an incense box service as well that sends different incense to subscribers each month. I’ve also created a specific Wiccan/Pagan section in my stores for great clothing, gifts and even greeting cards.
You can contact Mike directly mikesextonstudio@gmail.com
Thank you, Mike, for taking the time to share with us, and thank you to all you lovely readers for joining us and don’t forget to Shop Pagan!