Racism in the Pagan Community!

Racism is everywhere! It is a sad sad reality and causes so much turmoil in this world. Yet again we have come to a place in history where the hate and rasism have come to the surface, where it belongs.

I feel it is of the upmost imporantce to clearly state:

This is a safe open space for ALL people! Black, Native, Latino, White, Asian, Middle Eastern, no matter where you are from, what color your skin is or who you choose to be or love this is a safe open space!

The Peacock Pages

Ignorance is not bliss! This is the time when everyone needs to stand up and be accountable for their actions and words!

If you cannot be respectful and understanding those who are different from you then this is not the place for you and you will be called out publicly and asked to leave.

This space is open for ALL people in ALl walks of life and we come together with understanding and open communication.

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