Capricorn Full Moon
July 13th, 2022
This Full Moon comes with an anchoring energy, but also encourages us to get out and community with the community!
As the summer is in full swing we are sharing events! Some have passed and will come again, some are soon to happen but all bring great opportunities to get out and be with the community!

Trees of Avalon Gathering | A Pagan Directory
Come and celebrate with us. We will see you there! One of our headliners is Christopher Penczak! Our Main Ritual will feature The Guardians of the Community!

Untamed Fest in Colorado | A Pagan Directory
UNTAMED will offer opportunities for learning, connection, and reflection. Space for diverse expressions of Pagan faiths and equally diverse musical expressions. Gate entry requirement: Proof of…

Oddity & Bizarre Expo | A Pagan Directory
The Greatest Show of All for Fans of the Strange & Unusual! POSTPONED to October 17-18, 2020! Saturday 9 am – 6 pm Sunday 10 am – 4 pm – Cosplay Artist Kristin Killtastic – Seminars from the Front…

Something Exciting! | A Pagan Directory
Some Exciting News…. Raven and I will be Setting up Shop and Forge at … The Highland Games of Hot Springs, Arkansas September 24th-25th Yes, We’ll be forging on site for this event! Find out more!

Elemental Transformation Day-long Retreat | A Pagan Directory
Energy work is a term shrouded in mystery. Yet we live our lives amidst a constant flow of energy; energy that flows within us, moves between us and our environments, and moves between us and other…

Wilder Grove Retreats | A Pagan Directory
Wilder Grove Retreats is the realization of a life-long dream to offer education, guidance, and services to those who follow the Nature Paths as a way of life and spirituality. Through our years of…

Fort Collins Pagan Pride 2022
Join us August 21, 2022 at Fort Collins City Park! FCPPD is a free, family-friendly celebration of pagan faith and community. With workshops, drumming, live music, vendors, and rituals open to all….

Denver Pagan Pride | A Pagan Directory
Very exciting! Denver Pagan Pride will be on Samhian October 31, 2021 Washington Park, Denver Co Find out more! Follow the Facebook page to find out about next year!

Pagan Pride Project
The Pagan Pride Project fosters pride in Pagan identity by hosting public Pagan rituals to honor the Autumn Equinox. Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids, Asatru, Mages and other members of earth-based, neoclassical, or magickal spiritual paths gather to support charity and educate the public about Paga…

Pagan Spirit Gathering
WELCOME HOME! ‘Homecoming – Here Comes The Sun!’ June 19 – 26, 2022, IN PERSON at the Pulaski County / Fort Leonard Wood Shrine Camp near Waynesville, Missouri Come out and enjoy eight days of community, music, workshops, rituals, festivities, and more under the Summer Solstice Sun! The Gate opens..…

Full Moon Hike: Shadow Work & Scream Work | andreaelogreira
Celebrate and work with the energy that this full moon in Capricorn offers us by integrating our shadow side and activating our throat chakra through primal screaming.