Dark Scorpio Moon
October 25th, 2022
Diving deep into your passions, emotions, and dreams. This Dark Moon in Scorpio reveals the deep secrets and encourages your to follow your true self!
Find guidance as we step into this dark time of year and dive deep into better understanding ourselves and grow to be the ideal person you wish to be!

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church International | A Pagan Directory
The ATC is a global interfaith Wiccan fellowship ministering, worshiping, and working together for a brighter tomorrow. Since its founding in 1979 by the late Pete “Pathfinder” Davis, the ATC has been…

Founder Southern Illinois Pagan Alliance | A Pagan Directory
SIPA- Southern Illinois Pagan Alliance was created in 1998 to provide pagans with networking, community, support and celebrations Learn More…

Gylden Fellowship | A Pagan Directory
Gylden Fellowship supports all pagan groups within the Gylden areas. We promote pagan spiritual values and principles, regardless of pathway, across Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire.

The Raleigh Witches Meetup Group | A Pagan Directory
The Witches Meetup Group is a combination of three separate Meetup groups, Raleigh Correllian Wicca and Witch School, Pagans, and Witches and all three meet together. Therefore you only really need…

Fort Sill Open Circle | A Pagan Directory
Fort Sill Open Circle is a group of Pagans and Pagan-curious people in the Lawton/Fort Sill, Oklahoma area. We are dedicated to educating each other and forming a close Pagan community.

Tribe of the Oak – an international Celtic Reconstructionist Druid Order | A Pagan Directory
We are an on-line study group with members across the globe. We occasionally meet in person for Grove meetings and seasonal rites, mostly in Western Massachusetts. The Archdruid for the Grove is Ellen…

Celestial Sanctuary Coven | A Pagan Directory
Hello everyone, I’m Cillian, the head High Priest and Founding President of Celestial Sanctuary Coven, an aspiring non-profit church and Pagan seminary in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Due to COVID we…

Gylden Fellowship | A Pagan Directory
Gylden Fellowship supports all pagan groups within the Gylden areas. We promote pagan spiritual values and principles, regardless of pathway, across Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire.

Raleigh Correllian Wicca and Witch School | A Pagan Directory
This group meets with the Pagans and Witches Meetup Groups, so topics discussed will typically be about Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft in general.

Fort Collins Pagan Pride! | A Pagan Directory
Fort Collins Pagan Pride Day (FCPPD) is a free, family-friendly celebration of pagan faith and community. Starting in 2016, Fort Collins joined the multitude of communities in the Pagan Pride Project…

The Celtic Order of the Féth Fíada | A Pagan Directory
The Celtic Order of the Féth Fíada is a new Pagan school founded on Samain, 2021. We are a pan-Celtic Tradition dedicated to Celtic Mysticism, i.e., to Druidry, Celtic Shamanism and Celtic Witchcraft…

Weddings, Blessings, and Spiritual Services | A Pagan Directory
Weddings When you’ve found that perfect someone, all you want is the perfect ceremony that fits the two of you. I will help you create the exact ceremony you want. From a simple “I will love you…

Reverend High Priestess | A Pagan Directory
Services I Provide for Weddings, Handfasting, Same Sex Marriages, Baptisms, Wiccanings, and Baby Namings. Connect Today!

Ordained Ministers of the Pagan Order | A Pagan Directory
We are a group designed with the intent of providing clergy services to different faiths and beliefs. We may be contacted through our Face book page Ordained Ministers of The Pagan Order If you are…

Wedding Officiant/Reiki Master | A Pagan Directory
As an ordained minister licensed wedding officiant since 2004, I have officiated many weddings, handfastings, and commitment ceremonies throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland and Maine.

Liam-Cillian Beamish, High Priest and Life Rites Celebrant | A Pagan Directory
Hello everyone, my name is Liam-Cillian, I’ve been serving the Pagan community officially since 2014 and have been consciously practicing since 2007. I am ordained and have been approved through the…