An Empath, healer and more! Getting to know A ForevrGoddess!

Today I am so excited to share an amazing person and great healer.  Norma has been sharing her services with the community for many years and is an empath, healer, teacher, and so much more! She is also just a sweet and genuine person who I have really enjoyed getting to know!  As always, we will start with all the links and places for you to find Norma and all she has to offer.

Find her Blog

Do you work online, in real life, or both?

I work both online and in person within my home in Idaho.

Now let’s get to the good stuff… In a few sentences describe your business.        

I own the metaphysical boutique and Forevrgoddess Intuitive spirit services.

I make handmade unique jewelry and custom create gifts box sets for wiccan, pagan and spiritual open people. Prices under $20 for boutique items. I also give psychic reading do mentoring services with all my box sets or reading services. Service under $20

How long have you been working at this?             

Jewelry business 24 years, metaphysical 8 yrs., mentoring for over 15+ years now

What is unique about your business?     

Many of the items are handmade. I love to give you all details of product or services. It doesn’t matter if you’re beginning your spiritual path or experience. I share and give more than most people. I consider my self-lightworker and want to see every find their potential and see their inner light. Be inspired to have beautiful life.

What is your Mission Statement?            

I am here to help you discover your potential in life, find a harmonious relationship with divine and your spiritual path. I’ am honored to join you on this journey. be inspired, be uplifted, be love, be light

If you wrote a book about your business path, what would the title be? and why?             

Spiritual enterprise, find your potential with work you can enjoy

How would you describe your business/art in one word? Why?  

Spiritual mentoring

What is your favorite part about what you do?  

I love all aspects of my work, I’m grateful to have wiccan husband who encourages me to find my inner light and share my knowledge with others.

I’ve been solitary wiccan since I was 15 yrs. old and now, I’m 48 yrs. I’ve learned many challenges in life to be where I am. And I understand many who walk this spiritual path

What’s your company’s goals?   I would like to continue this journey with business

Work on goddess empowerment and work on do mentoring session in groups and hopefully one able to spiritual retreat with others who are inspired I also want to offer crystal healing within my home and more. As well maybe self-published my book I use for my session to share with others.

Why did you start this professional Journey?      

My journey started with my jewelry business 24 yrs. ago. From there I dreamed to open my own shop and expand to metaphysical products and offer spiritual reading and mentoring sessions with clients.

What can you offer customers that your competitors can’t?         

Good quality product for reasonable price

My items price start at $5.75 and go up to $25.00

My psychic reading s start at $10 and go up $20

I do have a few sessions a bit more, but they are private one on one session for psychic development and mediumship work.

Does your company help the community where it is located?      

In bear lake valley. I donate my jewelry and some mainstream items to our local animal shelter to help raise money for animal in need. I teach my children help those in need I also donate piece of my boutique to my children school fundraiser every fall. my son this month will be selling healing gemstones and crystal to his friends at school just like I do.


How would you handle a herd of cats?   

Cat treats

Who has been an inspiration to you along this path?       

My wiccan husband Robert, and my mentor Sara Ray and few others

What superpower would you like to have? and why        

I would rather be humble with what I have now, than have an ego.

What a noble trait to call for!

When you are not working what do you do?       

Playing with my children, watching ghost adventures, walking my dogs, and spending time with my husband up in our local hills and mountain in Paris Idaho

How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?         

Everything I do is in honor of my spiritual path.

I am grateful for many Goddesses, Gods, Elementals, and Spirits I work with. And grateful they help inspired me to share my work along with my family.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?    

Research your type of work

Thank you so much Norma for taking the time to tell us more about you and all you offer to the community! Also, Thank you to all those who have come to learn more about the ForevrGoddess Boutique!

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