Draco Promotions with Casie Garrett

Owned and operated by Casie Garrett



Draco Pro Inc, Small Business Strategy & Marketing FB Page

Side Hustle Marketing on FB 


Working with small business owners, community organizations, and event coordinators to produce printed marketing materials and other marketing products.

The On to Action Strategic Approach is a personalized concept featuring a step by step plan that will lead your business to new heights. You receive boutique agency tactics with the individual attention your project needs to thrive and grow.

And more from their website…

“& this is life…
Like you I am challenged by an abundance of demands, limited time and big dreams.  Working from home while my children were young, helping others toward their entrepreneurial goals & dreams has always been my goal. From before I started college I knew that I would focus on the American entrepreneurial spirit and community building in my career. Draco Pro Inc. is the result of this dreaming, planning, and strategy. I help business owners find unique solutions that work with them considering their whole life; their victories are my victories.”


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