Getting to know Sabrina Owner of Eesculenta Officinalis

Welcome Back to our interview corner…yep just named it that.

For our second interview, I would like to introduce Sabrina Whitney owner of Eesculenta Officinalis.  She comes with a wealth of herbal knowledge and is such a great resource to have in the community.  I am so excited to get to know her and to have her with us as we get started.



Phone Number                 (989)915-8000

Now let’s get to the good stuff… In a few sentences describe your business?

We are a natural business focused on sharing herbs with the world. Our primary products include our lotion bars and balms though we also do herbal research, botanical sketches, and much more.


What is your Mission Statement?

Our mission is to help people to discover the culinary, medicinal, and magical properties of herbs and vegetables.


What is your favorite part about what you do?

I love providing people with the information they need to live a more natural life and to relinquish their dependency on chemical-based products.


Why did you start this professional Journey?

My husband has many health issues and we were frustrated with the side effects he had endured. We began looking for more natural options.


What can you offer costumers that your competitors can’t?

Our products are made with food-grade ingredients and never contain bottled essential oils, fragrance oils, or artificial dyes.


How would you handle a herd of cats?

Who handles cats? The beauty of the cat is at they are an independent, determined, and confident bunch. I would pull up a comfy pillow and learn what they have to teach me.


Tell us more about your business?

We are a family run business that is focused on helping others learn about the amazing benefits found in nature. We want to help people learn the old ways.


What superpower would you like to have? and why

I would love to be a green witch. That old wise woman in the little cottage that the community consults for herbal remedies.


When you are not working what do you do?

When not working I love spending time in nature studying what it as to offer, noticing the seasonal changes, and teaching my children to love nature.


How do you include your Pagan faith in your work?

We bless our products before selling them and use sustainably sourced ingredients. We also offer information regarding which plants are endangered and folklore to help others care or the natural world around them make better decisions before just buying into the latest buzzwords.


Again Mrs. Whitney Thank you!  We are excited to have you join us and are grateful for the wealth of knowledge you bring.

And Thank you to our readers for joining us if you have any questions you can email this lovely lady directly

and if you have any questions for us, The Peacock Pages, just drop us a line.

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